Self-care is of central importance if we are to prioritise our wellbeing. At first, especially if this practice is unfamiliar to you, it may feel like a selfish act, but this is absolutely not the case. So here are my six S’s of self-care to remember when your energy levels have hit rock bottom again.
One of the ways to maintain our self-care is to keep it simple. Creating a habit, that from a time perspective is short, can be repeated regularly and may even give us a boost.
Taking a break from work or other responsibilities and switching the focus onto ourselves can feel unnatural to begin with but deliberately stopping and making that transition can make a difference to our physical and mental health.
Attending to our self-care requires us to find space for it in our diaries. When this is done, we can really reap the benefits.
Getting the sleep, we need is an important aspect of our self-care and it helps us when this can be addressed.
Whatever activity you choose to engage in, making it something which brings a smile to our face can help us to sustain it.
Making ourselves accountable to other people and getting the support we need as we make these changes can encourage us to keep going and putting ourselves first.